Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Between Panels - Issue One: Comics 101

In case it's not already obvious, I'm trying to be a lot more active in the comic community. In the long run, I'm hoping to join a league of already amazing creators whether that be in the shape of writer, editor or even as a publicist, but for now, this means being vocal, and directly giving back to those who also want to be a part of that community but might feel overwhelmed. To be honest, this is the exact reason I created ThatComicGirl in the first place. ThatComicGirl is a safe space where I could not only share my love of comics with the world, but it could also be a place where both new and old, casual and dedicated fans alike could communicate with me, get recommendations and even insight into the growing world of comics. After all, comics are for everyone. 

 So when my lovely local 2nd and Charles offered to become a host of a series of monthly comic panels, where I could ramble, educate and get people fired up about comics, I jumped at the opportunity.  It would be a chance to directly connect with people, get them excited, and be able to guide them exactly where to start or what they could potentially fall in love with without them feeling like the entire massive world of comics was crashing down on them. I could connect with people over movies and television directly inspired by comics, we could talk about comic con, what it takes to make a career out of comics, the possibilities are limitless. Comics are a huge invasive world and it's easy to get consumed and lost. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who will take a look at comics, decide that it's just too much for them to handle because they're not willing or don't have the time to put forth the effort to do the research and walk away from it. And I don't blame anyone for feeling like that, because at one point I was there too, but I never want anyone to feel like that, ever.

Last weekend, was my first panel, and what better way to start than with Comics 101. I talked everything you need to know to get started, where to purchase your comics, both physical and digital comics, the importance of creating a pull and preordering, utilizing resources like your local library, and of course what to start reading. The simple answer to that is independent comics like Image, Vault, and Aftershock, along with several others, will always be your friend.

I had as great of a turnout as I could have ever expected for my first panel, a solo hosted panel none the less. It was fun and interactive, the audience asked questions, and interacted with each other, and while I don't like to speak for anyone, I don't think a single person walked away from the experience not being excited about reading comics. I even took a page from the Jimmy Palmiotti book of panels and did a cute little giveaway at the end. There was also free comics available for everyone in attendance so what's not to love.  I can't even begin to express how wonderful it felt to get people a closer look into the wonderful world that is comics. Seeing so many diverse faces in the crowd really did solidify the motif that comics are truly for everyone.

While it's not the best, upon request a lot of people asked if I could record my panel, which I did but again the quality is not the best, and I'm pretty sure I cut it off prematurely in the end. But now that I've hosted a Comics 101 I definitely intend to do a similar written post in the future that people can refer back to along with helpful tools and links to get them started.  You guys can check out on the full audio recording on Youtube!

As always thank you for taking this incredible journey with me!

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